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metadata.dc.type: Tese
Título : As formulações da ocde para educação e suas interfaces com a base nacional comum para a formação de professores (BNC-Formação) no Brasil
metadata.dc.creator: Santos, Patrícia Menezes dos
Santos, Patrícia Menezes dos
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1: Peixoto, Elza Margarida de Mendonça
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor-co1: Bastos, Robson dos Santos
metadata.dc.contributor.referee1: Peixoto, Elza Margarida de Mendonça
metadata.dc.contributor.referee2: Camargo, Arlete Maria Monte de
metadata.dc.contributor.referee3: Ferreira, Diana Lemes
metadata.dc.contributor.referee4: Pereira, Maria de Fátima Rodrigues
metadata.dc.contributor.referee5: Maués, Olgaíses Cabral
metadata.dc.description.resumo: A presente pesquisa possui como objeto de investigação as formulações da OCDE para educação e suas interfaces com a Base Nacional Comum para a Formação de Professores (BNC-Formação) no Brasil e visa responder o seguinte problema de pesquisa: Quais os nexos existentes entre as formulações da OCDE para a educação e a Base Nacional Comum para formação de professores no Brasil? O objetivo geral é evidenciar os nexos existentes entre as formulações da OCDE para educação e a BNC-Formação. Especificamente, busca-se: a) Evidenciar o projeto de formação de professores que constitui os documentos da OCDE para a educação no período de 2000 a 2019; b) Evidenciar como este projeto se manifesta nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Formação Inicial de Professores para a Educação Básica e Base Nacional Comum para a Formação Inicial de Professores da Educação Básica; c) Expor as proposições da OCDE que foram incorporadas à Base Nacional Comum para Formação de Professores. O estudo parte de uma pesquisa bibliográfica que procurou pelo contexto de aprofundamento das políticas neoliberais para a formação de professores no Brasil, que incluíram a reforma trabalhista, reforma da previdência e reforma administrativa, em que se inserem a precarização do trabalho e a uberização. Serviu de inspiração a tese marxiana de que as relações jurídicas só podem ser compreendidas à luz da economia política. A pesquisa documental possibilitou constatar seis nexos entre os documentos formulados pela OCDE e as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Formação Inicial ao Nível Superior de Professores para a Educação Básica, que são: 1) Os documentos seguem a lógica neoliberal de manipulação das informações; 2) Utilizam como fonte de dados estudos encomendados de instituições privadas; 3) Apresentam concepção de educação pautada em princípios econômicos; 4) O currículo e os resultados dos alunos da educação básica medidos via testes e avaliação em larga escala são parâmetros para o desenvolvimento das políticas de formação e controle do trabalho docente; 5) Criticam a formação de professores pelo “excesso de teoria” e apontam a necessidade de formação para a “prática” e adoção de concepção de prática utilitarista; 6) A formação docente deve permitir a orientação dos planos de cargos, carreira e remuneração por meio da aferição de competência e habilidades. A análise das diretrizes da OCDE em relação com a BNC-Formação nos permitem concluir que é um projeto mais perverso para a formação do professor brasileiro, porque intensifica uma concepção de valorização assentada na teoria do capital humano e na pedagogia das competências que ocultam os reais interesses do grande capital e despreza a implementação de reformas que reduzem drasticamente os investimentos na educação pública em todos os níveis.
Resumen : The present research has as its object of investigation the OECD formulations for education and their interfaces with the Common National Base for Teacher Training (BNC-Formação) in Brazil and aims to answer the following research problem: What are the links between the formulations? of the OECD for education and the Common National Base for teacher training in Brazil? The general objective is to highlight the links between the OECD formulations for education and BNC-Training. Specifically, we seek to: a) Highlight the teacher training project that constitutes the OECD documents for education in the period from 2000 to 2019; b) Highlight how this project is manifested in the National Curricular Guidelines for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education and the Common National Base for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education; c) Present the OECD propositions that were incorporated into the Common National Base for Teacher Training. The study is part of a bibliographical research that looked for the context of deepening neoliberal policies for teacher training in Brazil, which included labor reform, pension reform and administrative reform, which include the precariousness of work and uberization. The Marxian thesis that legal relations can only be understood in the light of political economy served as inspiration. Documentary research made it possible to identify six links between the documents formulated by the OECD and the National Curricular Guidelines for Initial Training at Higher Level of Teachers for Basic Education, which are: 1) The documents follow the neoliberal logic of information manipulation; 2) They use studies commissioned from private institutions as a source of data; 3) Present a conception of education based on economic principles; 4) The curriculum and results of basic education students measured via large-scale testing and assessment are parameters for the development of training policies and control of teaching work; 5) They criticize teacher training for its “excess of theory” and point out the need for training for “practice” and the adoption of a utilitarian concept of practice; 6) Teacher training must allow guidance on job, career and remuneration plans through the assessment of competence and skills. The analysis of the OECD guidelines in relation to BNC-Formação allows us to conclude that it is a more perverse project for the training of Brazilian teachers, because it intensifies a conception of valorization based on the theory of human capital and the pedagogy of skills that hide the real interests of big capital and despises the implementation of reforms that drastically reduce investments in public education at all levels.
The present research has as its object of investigation the OECD formulations for education and their interfaces with the Common National Base for Teacher Training (BNC-Formação) in Brazil and aims to answer the following research problem: What are the links between the formulations? of the OECD for education and the Common National Base for teacher training in Brazil? The general objective is to highlight the links between the OECD formulations for education and BNC-Training. Specifically, we seek to: a) Highlight the teacher training project that constitutes the OECD documents for education in the period from 2000 to 2019; b) Highlight how this project is manifested in the National Curricular Guidelines for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education and the Common National Base for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education; c) Present the OECD propositions that were incorporated into the Common National Base for Teacher Training. The study is part of a bibliographical research that looked for the context of deepening neoliberal policies for teacher training in Brazil, which included labor reform, pension reform and administrative reform, which include the precariousness of work and uberization. The Marxian thesis that legal relations can only be understood in the light of political economy served as inspiration. Documentary research made it possible to identify six links between the documents formulated by the OECD and the National Curricular Guidelines for Initial Training at Higher Level of Teachers for Basic Education, which are: 1) The documents follow the neoliberal logic of information manipulation; 2) They use studies commissioned from private institutions as a source of data; 3) Present a conception of education based on economic principles; 4) The curriculum and results of basic education students measured via large-scale testing and assessment are parameters for the development of training policies and control of teaching work; 5) They criticize teacher training for its “excess of theory” and point out the need for training for “practice” and the adoption of a utilitarian concept of practice; 6) Teacher training must allow guidance on job, career and remuneration plans through the assessment of competence and skills. The analysis of the OECD guidelines in relation to BNC-Formação allows us to conclude that it is a more perverse project for the training of Brazilian teachers, because it intensifies a conception of valorization based on the theory of human capital and the pedagogy of skills that hide the real interests of big capital and despises the implementation of reforms that drastically reduce investments in public education at all levels.
Palabras clave : Formação de professores
Formação de professores
Organismos Internacionais e OCDE
Organismos Internacionais e OCDE
Professores - Formação
Professores - Formação
Base Nacional Comum Curricular
Base Nacional Comum Curricular
Indicadores educacionais - Países da OCDE
Indicadores educacionais - Países da OCDE
metadata.dc.subject.cnpq: Ciências humanas
Ciências humanas
metadata.dc.language: por
por Brasil
Editorial : Universidade Federal da Bahia
Universidade Federal da Bahia
metadata.dc.publisher.initials: UFBA
metadata.dc.publisher.department: Faculdade de Educação
Faculdade de Educação
metadata.dc.publisher.program: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) 
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) 
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Fecha de publicación : 31-may-2024
Aparece en las colecciones: Tese (PGEDU)

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